Children’s AIDS Art Programme (CAAP) Cape Town, South Africa – Township of Khayelistha
As stated on our website, CAAP’s main initiative is to alleviate the suffering and stifled emotions of the children by utilizing a form of therapy through art. This technique allows the children to express themselves, providing them with a welcome diversion from their illness or abuse. It also develops their motor and visual skills. Children are given the opportunity to focus on something positive, with their art serving as a symbol of a bright banner for hope.
What we’ve been doing in 2013
This year we have expanded to the Respite Center, a place which cares for adult people infected by HIV and other diseases. We provided art therapy classes for them, as a form of recreational exercise where they discovered their creative abilities. Working with this group has been a challenge in many ways, but we are very happy that we were able to provide therapeutic lessons with them. We plan on continuing with the Respite Center instruction next year. CAAP is expanding to the Desmond Tutu Youth Center in Masiphumelele, SA in 2014.
We are now organizing a trip to the Iziko South African National Gallery with a picnic at the Company’s Gardens for the children. The gallery has great art education programmes for school kids during the summer. This trip is going to be a good opportunity for the children; they will look at amazing artworks and participate in workshops designed specifically for them. The trip promises to be fun and exciting. It will allow them to experience a different atmosphere and environment as most of them know only the home and the township surroundings. Taking them out and showing them new things will refresh their minds and spark more creativity. We continue teaching throughout the year, having only a two week break for the holidays. (Nobu’s report for November 2013)
People Behind CAAP’s Cape Town:
Here is some recent work done by the children. They are exploring different spatial techniques using color, texture and 3-dimensional objects they have built into their mixed media sculptures

Here is some additional artwork:

Patients enjoying art therapy at the Respite Center:

CAAP Art School Children:

Information on Children’s AIDS Art Programme (CAAP) USA and CAAP, a South Africa Trust-South Africa
Children’s AIDS Art Programme (CAAP) USA
Mary Miyata Founder & Executive Director P: +1 (415) 320-2442
Children’s AIDS Art Programme Corporation is a 501(c)3 chartiable organization. Our Tax I.D #26-0118652
CAAP USA is 100 South Street, Suite #110, Sausalito, CA 94965 United States of America.
CAAP, a South Africa Trust

CAAP, a South Africa Trust, #097-451-NPO and PBO #930040687
CAAP, a South Africa Trust is 11 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, 8001