
With her vibrant personality, enthusiasm and deep concern for others, especially those affected by HIV, she was a natural to assist the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre in setting up a Foundation to receive donations for non-medical support. Mary is creative and innovative, dedicated and a marvelous networker.
Desmond M. Tutu, Anglican Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, Nobel Peace Prize recipient

We appreciate the wonderful experiences you are providing these children. From the sounds of your background, your energy, talents and commitment have brought important momentum to this very worthwhile effort. Keep up the good work.
Bill Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

We thank you for telling us about your work at Nazareth House with the HIV/AIDS orphans.We admire your dedication to these special children.
Laura Bush, First Lady, The White House

I met Mary a decade or so ago, and I am constantly amazed by her love for children affected by AIDS. She attends to their emotions and provides for them a foundation for a brighter future, full of opportunities.
Dan Lynch, Co-Founder, in 1983, with Vint Cerf, of the computer science for the creation of the Internet. Dan is a Trustee on our South Africa Trust.

The work Mary does with children is of a very high standard. She is a talented art teacher and photographer. Mary’s very patient and loving manner made her very popular with the students and her co-workers.
Gaynor Rupert, founder, The Imibala Trust, Somerset West, CapeTown, South Africa

Mary is an exceptional person with special talents and loads of energy. She has proven herself to be an outstanding fundraiser. Her love of art is only surpassed by her love and affection for children with special needs.
Oliver J. Duffy, O.J. Duffy & Assoc., Chairman of the Board, Nazareth House

Mary used her exceptional creative and communication skills to train HIV+ children in the field of art. She served as a true role model and source of inspiration to the children, also securing financial and other aid for the program as well as the children’s day-to-day needs.
Pierre Uys, MEC for Health, Minister of Health, Cape Town

Mary was a successful fundraiser to Baphumelele with donors from the Orient Express Hotel Group to the London Royal Ballet and the Irish Association. She loves the children and has enhanced their lives.
Rosie Mashale, Founder, Baphumelele Children’s Home, South African Woman of the Year 2013